
Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Meh of the Marvel Masterworks

So, for the last few months I've been reading the collected Marvel Masterworks. We're talking early 60's here. We're talking mass amounts of exposition, misogyny, terrible costumes, shudder-worthy scripts, sexual frustration, and the barest seeds of the characters we know and love.
I'm up to number 43 of 214, just over 20% through. To save you, I'll give you a rundown of what has happened so far....

Marvel Masterworks, Part One.

The Amazing Spider-Man: *sigh* I'm broke, and lying to everybody in my life. I wish people liked me. Like, anyone. Especially these gorgeous women who inexplicably hang around me all the time.
*sigh* and how many near death experiences can Aunt May really have?
*sigh* and how many of my friends and acquaintances are going to turn into supervillains?
Mary Jane Watson: like, cool, daddy-o

The IncredibleHulk
Hulk: I have a surprising large vocabulary for a giant monster. Oh, btw, I inexplicably kidnapped that unassuming, nobody scientist Bruce Banner and then let him go.
Bruce Banner: ....yeah, the hulk totally and inexplicably kidnapped me and then let me go, again.
Hulk: you know that I was only in the Avengers for, like, 6 issues, right? Why are you still following me?

Dr Donald Blake: I'm just going to go around this corner, and bang my stick on the ground.
Thor: Dr Blake? Oh yeah, I just saw him.Do you like my hammer? It's shiny.
*sigh* being a tall, handsome, Norse god who is also a world class surgeon who can take as many super long holidays as he wants would be awesome if only my daddy would let me marry my nurse Jane. She faints a lot.
Loki: evil plan to defeat Thor, evil plan to defeat Thor, evil plan to make yellow spandex fashionable, more evil plans. Dang, why doesn't this work. Maybe I should turn into a gorgeous and talented British actor instead, so I can take over the world one fangirl at a time. Maybe without the yellow spandex.
Thor: *sigh*

The Fantastic Four

Jonny storm: I might be only, like, 12, but I know better than everybody else so I'm going to jump in and "flame on". Oooh, is that a chick?
The Thing: "it's clobbering time" because I can't control my temper I'm going to frak things up for everybody.
Mr Fantastic: because my brain is so superior to, like, everybody, I'm going to mess with amazingly unscientific science and risk the world and my team on a daily basis. Did I mention how smart I am?
Because I'm so so so so smart.
Sue Storm: I just want to set up housekeeping and worry about supermarkets instead of super-villains, because the super-villains keep ruining my beautiful designer dresses.

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