
Monday, April 11, 2016

The Meh of Marvel Masterworks pt 2: Captain America

Ok, Smilin' Stan, onto the rest of the avengers. Let's start with....Captain America.

The earliest issues were released as Tales of Suspense, and were a Captain America/ Iron Man double feature, which was a pretty good deal. Although there's a weird song that keeps playing in my head
(🎼 science fiction, double feature, ooh, ooh, ooh...see androids fighting, ooh, ooh, ooh🎼)

In the original incarnation, the Steve Rogers persona was the worst soldier in his platoon. Or maybe the entire army. His secret trips and constantly running off so that he can secretly put on his tights, as well as his strangely close relationship with a young teenage boy, leave everybody thinking that he's an incompetent idiot.

While Cap is off saving people, Steve is messing up royally by being missing. Plus he decides to fall madly in love with a girl whose name he never learns. Gag me.

Then he meets some Nazi dude who likes to run around in a red rubber mask (Red Skull). Said Nazi dude takes out Bucky, and turns Cap into Capsicle. So, Cap wakes up from a 20 year sleep in the ice, and to be honest, fearlessly sulks a lot.

His powers seem pretty undefined. The shield hasn't really gotten the backstory that makes it so interesting. Black panther and Wakanda have made a FF appearance or two, but there's no connection yet. He practices a lot of gymnastics, mopes about Baby Bucky and Mystery Girl, and threatens to leave the Avengers a lot. He even does for a while, getting a job as a sparring partner for some random boxer who never reappears. Of  course, his conscience, and moral superiority sends him back to Avengers HQ (kindly donated by Iron Man's "special friend" Tony Stark). Supervillains to defeat include Batroc the Leaper (super strong legs and ridiculous French accent),

 M.O.D.O.K. (A giant talking head), and Super-adaptoid (an android who can basically mimic any powered being). Plus, Cap soon discovers that *gasp* the rubber masked nazi Red Skull has survived, built giant robots to end the world, and brought Bucky Barnes back to life.
Except it's not actually Bucky. Its all a trick, No, Bucky..YET.

Also, remember Cap's nameless true-love? He soon discovers an IDENTICAL but much younger women to be his new true love. Except he hasn't learnt her name either, knowing her only as Agent 13 (it's totally Sharon Carter. If you've seen CA: Winter Soldier, she's the hot blonde neighbour/spy)
Oh, Cap.

That concludes volumes 1&2.

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