
Sunday, May 1, 2016

The meh of marvel masterworks: bring on the Hulk Vol 2

Okay, Brucie. So, far you are not impressing me. Moping out in the desert in your ripped pants is fine, but at least let Banner go to work often enough to feed you both. AND keep you in purple pants

And there is only so many times that Dr Banner can be in the wrong place at the wrong time before someone figures out that there's something hinky going on. I mean, your girlfriends father is the ranking military officer on the base! Dude!

Though to be honest, neither Betty nor General "Thundebolt" Ross seem to be Mensa candidates.   
(  For example, why is he bringing his daughter out to the testing sites? )
So, Bruce decided to build a robot that even the Hulk can't take out, and goes missing. Being found hanging out at the testing sight in his purple pants gets him suspected of communism, but not hulk-ism. Geez.
Giant Man makes an appearence. He and Hulk have a very manly tussle, half naked and very macho. Unfortunately their date gets broken up by Ol' Thunderbolt sending a nuclear missile their way. Everyone survives. Including the pants. Giant Man doesn't even bother to tell the rest of the gang that he found Hulk. Jerk.

Gasp! Plot! Evil Communist Dude steals Banner's aweesomely sciency Robot ( this is the 60's) and a guy  named Talbot (who ends up in Agents of SHIELD played by the flying man fron Heroes) has turned up to see what the frak is up with Brucie. Oh, no. people are going to think that he's a traitor. Thunderbolt, admiring his hetero-normative, all-American cis-gendered masculinity decides that his daughter should set her cap for soldier boy, rather than that *ugh* intellectual nancy.

Evil Communist Dude disguises himelf as Banner to cause trouble and steal stuff. ECD totally steals Betty Ross, just for the sake of it. On the upside, everyone totally saw the Hulk and (Fake) Banner in the same place at the same time. And even though they were both wearing purple pants, they were clearly two separate pairs of purple pants. 
Meanwhile, Teenaged sidekick Rick Jones somehow manages to circumvent top secret military security and protocol to bring Bruce a new set of non-purple clothes, and they scurry off to prove that they were there the whole time and have nothing to do with any of it.

ECD's boss, the self named "The Leader", despite failing to get his hands on BB's stuff, has decided to keep trying to science himself into world domination. Turns out, in a gasp-worthy twist, The Leader was exposed to gamma rays, and turned into an evil super genius. Who is green.
He spends quite a it of time fan-boying over fellow gamma green Hulk, and hoping that they can start a super secret support and/or world domination club. Maybe their theme song could be 'It's not easy being green'?

The Leader decides to science some big pink stretchy bouncy android type marshmallow humanoids. 
Including shrinkable ones, and 500 foot tall ones that make the army bring out their super bombs. Hulk fixes this in a particularly Marvel way.

Thoughts re. The Hulk Vol. 2.

How many times can Banner get secretly kidnapped by communists and have the army think he's defected, yet still come back to his government contracts?
If the President of the US has been told about Hulk/ BB, why couldn't he at least let some army top brass know, so that they stop arresting him?
How does the Hulk manage to pick up pieces of, like, road or roof and shake it like a blanket in order to take out how convoys?
How do they manage to mess up Betty Ross with Spiderman's super minor character Betty Brandt?
What the heck is up with Betty's hair?

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