
Monday, April 18, 2016

The do's and don't's and just don't's of DC's New 52 part 1

Not that long ago (as in, I'm still dealing with it) I developed a weird series of food allergies which had a kind of strange and difficult side effect. Not being able to eat about 2/3 of the food meant that my body was lacking in a lot of the necessary precursors to essential neurotransmitters. For example: not being able to eat foods with Tryptophan means not being able to make enough Seratonin, means losing about 76% of ones capacity for concentration and memory, or to connect information in your brain, or, you know, be happy. So, my brain was working at maybe 40-50% of normal. And it sucked. Big time. BIG TIME. I went from teachers pet, to epic fail.

Long story short, reading DC's New 52 was my brain rehab. I may have had to keep multiple lists, and I may have had to have a high- lighter keys just to remember what was going one, but with a lot of sheer stubbornness, I managed. DC release 52 titles at a time (hence the "new 52"), but they did it not only waves, but families (batman, superman, green lantern, justice league, young justice, the edge, and the dark). And within the families, there were major cross-overs. I truly believe that forcing my way through all seven waves, and all seven families helped re-forge pathways in my brain. I mean, this time last year, I was a LOT more lacking in cohesion and concentration. 

To be honest, not all the titles were worth reading. They go from 1 star to 5 star ratings from me, and the higher ratings are pretty rare.
I'll add a link to every wave, and eventually, my own obsessive-compulsive goodreads "family" lists, before I begin my reviews. They go from the beginning, up to Futures End/ Convergence, purely because the latest titles are mostly not collected into trade paper-backs.

I'll break it down into the readable, the not readable, and the throw against the wall or in the bin once we get to the "families". First up.......Bat-Family!

Addendum: Learn how to make links properly!

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