
Thursday, April 14, 2016


This is totally my first blog, so I don't really know what I'm doing. I'd love commentary. If I'm doing okay, let me know. If it gets a little too theoretical, let me know. If there's a book I should add, let me know ☺️

I do refuse to read single issues, though. I'll only do trade paper backs, because I'm OCD, and a completist, and single issues make me frustrated. It's like eating a single chip! Or one single piece of chocolate!

I'm currently halfway through Red Thorn (wowsa!), and re-reading the first TPB of ODY-C in order to read the new one.

I'd love to hear from anyone with constructive criticism.
Thanks guys


  1. I'm really enjoying this blog so far! I like the mix of intellectual/snarky readings and I hope that continues.

    You definitely asked for constructive criticism, but all I have to say is that the formatting for each entry is different, so Art Ops is all centered on my screen, Marvel Masterworks 2 doesn't have spaces between paragraphs; those make each entry a little hard to read.

    I also wanted to say that this is the best blog title I've seen in a while, and I really like the idea of the "Meh" of Masterworks. Great work, and I say keep it up!

    1. Yay, excellent constructive criticism. Must google how to format. I think it has something to do with what device I use to put pics in???
      I'll try from the laptop and see how that works. I'm currently working on being very mean about the Sub-Mariner.

      Also researching trans characters
