
Saturday, June 4, 2016

A little break *snigger* (down) also Allie Brosch

Sometimes a girl just doesn't have the capacity to be clever, or funny, or any of that shit.
Sometimes life is more Ally Brosch than anything else. I've not abandoned you, I'm just taking a little time to worry about hospital emergency room visits, Lumbar punctures, respiratory infections, oncology appointments, and upcoming major surgeries made more stressful by your mothers near non-existent immune system, due her recent lung transplant.

While I'm having my breakdown, go read Allie Brosch's Hyperbole and a Half. She is a goddess of comic blogness. Her work makes me laugh till I cry, and cry till I laugh. It's real, beautiful, tragic, relatable, and occasionally life saving. Seriously. I use her updated pain scale quite often. You know, due to aformentioned CRAP.

She's a 10/10, and saves ones sanity, and the poor postman may get attacked the day her new book comes out. Gimmeeeeeeeeeee